Monday, July 5, 2010


Ok, let's cut right to it. This one's going to be short. This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. I turned it off about 45 minutes in, which I never do. I always finish movies, even if I don't like them. As far as I'm concerned, this movie had no redeemable qualities. The vulgarity was over the top. And listen, I'm a 2o-year-old college student. Vulgarity is, in many ways, the norm. But this was just too much.
The ensemble cast is pretty funny individually. Ryan Reynolds, Van Wilder, Just Friends, Wolverine, plays a mid-twenties guy who works at a restaurant. Justin Long, Hi I'm a Mac, plays a mid-twenties guy who works at a restaurant. Anna Faris, Scary Movies, Observe and Report, plays a mid-twenties girl who works at a restaurant. Want me to go on? That's all there is to this. The cast is fully undeveloped, and everyone starts telling nut sack jokes after the first minute.
I love comedies. I always have. And I know this movie's 5 years old, but this movie made me sad for the future of comedy. This movie got rave reviews from my friends. Which doesn't really say much about my friends. There is zero intelligence, zero inspiration, and zero authentic comedy in this movie. I bought this one, unfortunately, for a dollar at Plato's Closet along with Blazing Saddles, the Mel Brooks classic. An interesting pairing, in retrospect. Brooks' films were always derided for being vulgar, racy, on the edge. But in a good way. They're witty. They say something about the society we live in. Whether that something is race, religion, modernization, Brooks was always saying something. This movie says something too. It says, "I think I can get high school and college guys to see this movie because it's really dirty. They won't ask for anything more." Well, I'm asking for something more. Let's go back to more intelligent comedies. Comedies that make a statement. Comedies that make you laugh, not vomit. I don't need to watch a movie to get nutsack jokes. My friends make enough of those already.

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